Pride has lots of connotations.
- It’s an intense often overwhelming emotion.
- A symbol of unity and togetherness
- A realisation that you’ve done something of personal merit.
It’s an emotion felt by foster carers daily, when the tiniest milestones are met with their foster children. We have the joy of joining in their pride and the immense achievements met by both carers and their children.
It also represents JUNE, a time of joyous celebration for those who identify as LGBTQIA+
June, is an opportunity to celebrate how far societies have come and to recognise the validity of diverse sexualities and identities and the immense contributions by these individuals, past and present.
It’s an opportunity to highlight the challenges still faced by the community. It was still only relatively recently that local authorities and fostering agencies accepted people who identify as LGBTQIA+ as legitimate carers for young people.
We saw CFT along with many other fostering agencies at Birmingham Pride. What they stood for and the fact that CFT is a Charity really stood out to us both.

Attitudes have changed. But…
Still, we see offence taken across the Western world by the sheer existence of these communities.
We see daily that those who have overcome adversity themselves, who can relate to the care experience, dissolve barriers between young people and their carers. Being a relatable presence ensures judgement is left at the door and young people have the ability to explore what makes them, them. Supporting them the entire way.
Pride isn’t in short supply when fostering.
Across the year, all of our regional teams will be participating in Pride events, ensuing The CFT is seen as an open, welcoming and supportive community of individuals who will not discriminate based on gender, sexuality, race or disability.
So if you’re attending with us, say HI! We’re here to talk, listen and help you find your career through fostering.
And if you’re ready to make an enquiry, use the form below to get in touch

If you can support a child and want to find out more, fill in the form and we’ll be in touch